NOASSP Meeting Minutes 2024
Below are the Executive Committee meeting minutes for 2024…so far.
OSH Generations: Valerie and Matthew Baker
Read the full story about Valerie and Matthew Baker in the JUNE 2024 Professional Safety Journal. The article is about our chapter’s very own mom and son team who are both committed to the profession of safety, and they are both very active Northern Ohio Chapter members to boot!
NOASSP Planning Calendar 2024
Below is our planning calendar for 2024. Click to see what we are currently working on and have planned for the near term.
If you have suggestions for meetings, tour ideas, topics or anything you would like us to consider planning, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Platinum Level!
To all Northern Ohio Chapter members, please note the recognition award that the Northern Ohio Chapter received for Platinum Level.
This is the 3rd year in a row that we have accomplished this level!
This is a well deserved recognition for our leadership team over those three years and the years to come. This award recognizes our Chapter, but it is the members who find educational meeting venues, those who submit articles to the Professional Safety Journal, arrange and co-sponsor events with other chapters and the Ohio BWC as were are doing September 28th, and those who are able to attend joint safety council meetings, and volunteer to represent our chapter at different safety day events. A job well done by all of the members who helped contribute for us to make Platinum Level.
Bob Gates
Northern Ohio Chapter ASSP, Past President 2022-2023

The Machine Safety Life Cycle — A Process for Compliance, Safety and Productivity of Machines
One of our recent presenters, Mark Eitzman, is the author of this month’s ‘Safety First’ column in Iron and Steel Technology, the journal of the Association for Iron and Steel Technology – AIST. Below is a link to the article…enjoy!