2024 Safety Expo
October 3, 2024
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
The Northeast Ohio Safety Expo is Back!!
We are happy to announce that the NE Ohio Safety Expo is back. This event is jointly sponsored by the Ohio BWC/Division of Safety & Hygiene – Youngstown Service Office and the Northern Ohio Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals.
This year’s safety expo will be held in Niles, Ohio (same location as last year) at the beautiful Eastwood Event Centre. This conference center is a perfect fit for the expo, with easy driving access and ample parking, and large breakout rooms.
There will be educational sessions as well as a vendor area where companies and organizations will exhibit their latest offerings.
- When: Thursday October 3, 2024
- Registration: 8 – 9 am
- Conference: 9 am – 3:45 pm
- Exhibit Area: 8 am – 2:45 pm
- Where: Eastwood Event Centre – 5577 Youngstown Warren Rd, Niles, Ohio 44446
- Conference Price
- Attendees: $40 Lunch is included again this year!
- Exhibitors: $250 which includes an exhibit table and boxed lunches for up to 2 exhibitors. Spaces are limited.
Informational Flyer – CLICK HERE
Educational credits
- Safety council members may earn one external credit for BWC’s Safety Council Rebate Program.
A certificate will be sent to the email address used when registering. Maximum – one external training certificate per company. - Attending two sessions fulfills the two-hour training requirement for BWC’s Group-Experience-Rating Program or Group-Retrospective-Rating Program.
Educational sessions
The educational sessions are listed below by time of day. You can attend one session in each time slot for the $40 registration fee, what a deal!
** JUST ADDED: Social Networking Event on Oct. 2nd from 5p – 8p (day before the expo). Click Here to find out more about the networking event, and you can add the networking event to your registration below!
9:00 am to 10:00 am | Active shooter survival | Tom Miles, On Demand Occupational Medicine
In today’s unpredictable world, it’s essential to be prepared for emergencies, including the rare but critical scenario of an active shooter situation. Join us for a comprehensive and potentially life-saving training session on “Active Shooter Survival.” This training is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills needed to survive in the event of an active shooter incident.
9:00 am to 10:00 am | Whole person health: New mental health resources | Robin Kish, ActiveHealth / Better You, Better Ohio!
Physical Health, Mental Health, and Whole Person Health: We will cover new mental health resources and fresh content you can take back to your workplace for your workforce. Better You, Better Ohio!® is administered by ActiveHealth for the Ohio BWC for small employers in high-risk industries.
9:00 am to 10:00 am | Leveraging stories that impacts change in behavior | Kevin D. Mowers, Crestcom – NE Ohio
Messages delivered as stories are significantly more memorable than just facts. As leaders, we are constantly struggling to find ways to connect, inspire, and create change with our people. We rely on emails, texts, or signs all with the hope that they simply will “read” the information. During this conversation, we will discuss the importance of storytelling as a leadership skill and how leveraging a story can make an impact on your organization.
9:00 am to 10:00 am | OSHA’s Silica Standard | Kent J. Crytzer, CSP, Construction Employers Association
Understanding the Silica Standard for construction, specifically OSHA standard 1926.1153, is crucial for ensuring workplace safety and compliance. This presentation will cover the fundamental requirements of the Silica Standard, focusing on permissible exposure limits and necessary control measures. Attendees will learn effective strategies for managing and implementing the standard, including using appropriate engineering controls, work practices, and respiratory protection. Additionally, we will discuss inspection techniques to verify compliance, emphasizing the importance of regular monitoring and record-keeping. By understanding and adhering to these guidelines, construction professionals can achieve and maintain compliance with OSHA’s silica regulations.
10:15 am to 11:15 am | Identifying and controlling health hazards at your facility and job site | Sarah Ghezzi, Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, Office of Safety Services
Do you know what your employees are inhaling at work? Learn about the common processes that may result in hazardous chemical exposures to your em-ployees. Processes covered will include spray paint-ing, welding, metal fab/cutting, concrete cutting, sandblasting, and more. This session will also cover the basics of controlling these health hazards in the workplace using the hierarchy of controls. Best prac¬tices and OSHA requirements will be included in the presentation.
10:15 am to 11:15 am | Stretching for the industrial athlete | Taylor Anderson, Safex
The topic will be stretching for workers in the industrial setting. This session will cover various types of stretching, examples of dynamic/static stretching, and implementing a stretch program at your site for pre-work and post-work.
10:15 am to 11:15 am | Psychologically safe work environment | Ruth Bowdish, On Demand Occupational Medicine
Today’s employees are experiencing symptoms like disengagement, fatigue, burnout, and overall mental distress. On-the-job safety is everyone’s responsibility but when we are filled with fear, anxiety, and a general distrust of our environment, how can employees be expected to speak up when a threat is detected? This training will provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of creating psychologically safe work environments as well as the consequences of toxic employees.
10:15 am to 11:15 am | Rising safely: Innovations in fall protection and working at heights | Matthew Hohman, FallTech
Explore the exciting world of fall protection! From new technology to smarter designs, discover how the industry is making work at heights safer. Dive into programs promoting a safer workplace in our pursuit of zero falls.
11:30 am to 12:30 pm | OSHA top 10 | Howard Eberts, US DOL OSHA Cleveland
Mr. Eberts will present enforcement and injury stats found in both Construction and General Industries. He will explain what role OSHA plays in preventing injury and illnesses in northeast Ohio. He will cover other topics like national emphasis programs, local emphasis programs, and Cleveland’s complaint process.
11:30 am to 12:30 pm | Mental Health Awareness in the workplace training | Regina Bond, ORB Consulting, LLC
Mental Health Awareness in the Workplace (MHA) Informational Program is designed to bring to the forefront of the workplace mindfulness about overwhelming numbers and types of mental health disorders and best practice ways to deal with
11:30 am to 12:30 pm | OSHA Recordkeeping | Brian Zachetti, Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, Office of Safety Services
This session will examine OSHA Recordkeeping forms, general recording criteria, and specific situations that must be recorded on OSHA Injury & Illness Recordkeeping documents. The primary focus will be determining recordability to ensure accurate records are maintained. This session will also cover reporting requirements and electronic record submission.
11:30 am to 12:30 pm | Trenching and excavation | Bill Hocevar, The Great Lakes Construction Co.
Excavations, injuries, and fatalities continue to haunt the construction industry. In this session, learn the top hazards associated with these risks and how to eliminate them. Real-life scenarios will illustrate the importance of keeping your employees free from danger
LUNCH BREAK 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm | Lunch will be provided to registered attendees!
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm | How to win friends & influence people (in safety) | Cari Gray, Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, Office of Safety Services
A safety role is a sales role. You’re continually selling safety to all levels in your organization. In this presentation, we’ll identify who you must influence, and methods to get your safety message across. Set yourself up for success as we explore tried-and-true methods to win friends and influence people (in safety).
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm | To test or not to test – a look at employer drug testing | Ruth Bowdish, On Demand Occupational Medicine
Employment drug testing has seen its highs and lows. Is it time to give up employment drug testing or is it more important than ever? This presentation examines current drug trends, the emergence of oral fluid testing, policy tips and tricks, and answers questions about the drugs you’re testing for. We discuss creating a recovery-friendly environment and best practices when someone is under the influence on the job. Distinguish between different types of drug testing, including hair, urine, and oral.
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm | BWC basics: How did BWC end up with a monopolistic system & how does it work? | Christine Williams, Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, Office of Employer Services
This session covers Ohio’s evolution as one of the four monopolistic states, as well as the basics of how rates are determined and the claim process.
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm | Identifying electrical hazards in the workplace through assessments | Michael Kovacic, ES Squared Inc.
One of the root causes of workplace injuries and incidents is the failure to identify or recognize hazards that are present, or that could have been anticipated. A critical element of any effective safety and health program is a proactive, ongoing process to identify and assess such hazards. This session will address how to identify common electrical hazards through workplace assessments, including some of the tools to assist in those efforts.
2:45 pm to 3:45 pm | Lockout/Tagout: Controlling hazardous energy and your company program | Brian Zachetti, Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation, Office of Safety Services
This session will examine best practices surrounding the control of hazardous energy and how they may apply to your workplace. Topics of discussion will include machine-specific energy control procedures, minor servicing considerations, energy source evaluation, and employee training. This session will also provide instruction regarding requirements for energy isolation devices, group lockout requirements, and program development.
2:45 pm to 3:45 pm | It takes more than a hardhat to keep a head safe: mental health for the workplace | Mandy McIntyre, Level Up Consultants
When you think about workplace hazards, physical risks are probably at the top of the list — an unprotected fall, an unmarked restricted zone, etc. But what about the dangers you can’t see? This session will provide solid solutions and resources on the value of mental health initiatives to provide safer job sites, a more profitable business, and combat the labor shortage by helping to attract, engage, and retain your workforce.
2:45 pm to 3:45 pm | Workplace compliance: What to look for in 2025! | Elizabeth A. Crosby, Schneider Smeltz Spieth Bell LLP
Managing the workforce becomes more and more complex with each passing law. From changes to the independent contractor relationship to outlawing non-compete agreements, it is more important than ever that Human Resource (HR) professionals stay on top of the changing HR landscape. This session will bring your “HR RADAR” into sync with current events.
2:45 pm to 3:45 pm | Work zone safety-MUTCD/ANSI | Ryan Armstrong, US DOL OSHA Cleveland
Work Zone Safety for Highway Construction applies to workers engaged in construction, utility work, maintenance, or repair activities on any area of a highway. This session will define and discuss MUTCD/ANSI A10.47 and setting up a proper long term/intermediate/short traffic control zone under the MUTCD and ANSI standards.
For questions and more info contact:
David Costantino, CPM | Loss Prevention Supervisor at Ohio BWC Youngstown Service Office