2023 Safety Expo!

  • 2023 Safety Expo
     September 28, 2023
     8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Save the Date…the 2023 Northeast Ohio Safety Expo is Back!!

We are happy to announce that the NE Ohio Safety Expo is back.  This event is jointly sponsored by the Ohio BWC/Division of Safety & Hygiene – Youngstown Service Office and the Northern Ohio Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals.

This year’s safety expo will be held in Niles, Ohio (same location as last year) at the beautiful Eastwood Event Centre. This conference center is a perfect fit for the expo, with easy driving access and ample parking, and large breakout rooms.

There will be educational sessions as well as a vendor area where companies and organizations will exhibit their latest offerings.

Informational Flyer – CLICK HERE

Educational credits

  • Safety council members may earn one external credit for BWC’s Safety Council Rebate Program. Stop by the BWC booth located in the Expo
    Center to get your certificate. Maximum – one external training certificate per company.
  • Attending two sessions marked with an asterisk (*) fulfills the two-hour training requirement for BWC’s Group-Experience-Rating Program or Group-Retrospective-Rating Program.

Educational sessions
The educational sessions are listed below by time of day. You can attend one session in each time slot for the $40 registration fee, what a deal!


9:00 am to 10:00 am  |  Incident Investigation for Ergonomic Injuries*  |  Audrey Hemlinger  |  DSH at Ohio BWC

Musculoskeletal disorders sometimes called “ergonomic injuries,” account for nearly 30% of workplace injuries and illnesses, yet these injuries are often not investigated properly to identify root causes and corrective actions. This session will discuss how investigating ergonomic injuries differs from traditional injuries and strategies employers can use for
investigating these injuries.”

9:00 am to 10:00 am  |  Does Complacency Cultivate Risk in the Workplace?* |  Nic Coia  |  DSH at Ohio BWC

Complacency is a significant concern in many workplaces, leading to a compromised focus on safety and an increased risk of accidents and injuries. This course aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of complacency, its impact on workplace safety, and effective strategies to mitigate its detrimental effects. During this course, participants will delve into the root causes and manifestations of complacency in work environments. Participants will develop the knowledge and skills necessary to identify and address complacency-related issues within their organizations.

9:00 am to 10:00 am   |  Life Cycle of a Claim  |  Colleen DeSiato  |  BWC Claim Services

This session will discuss the life cycle of a claim, which will include an explanation of the roles of each of the parties involved in claim processing such as the MCO and BWC, elements required for initial processing of a claim, discussion of how requests are processed and the different types of compensation available, options available to assist with return-to-work efforts such as transitional work and vocational rehabilitation, and claim resolution options.

9:00 am to 10:00 am   |  ANSI Z359.14–2021: A New Standard in Fall Protection* |  Matthew Hohman |  FallTech

There’s a new ANSI Standard for Fall Protection and it may impact the industry more than you think. Learn about the new ANSI Standard and how it’s going to change the Fall Protection you use.


10:15 am to 11:15 am   |  Lockout/Tagout Requirements for Employers*  |  Brian Zachetti  |  DSH at Ohio BWC

Employee training prior to work under lockout/tagout conditions or when using alternative measures is key. Lack of hazard awareness and knowledge in this area can result in death or serious physical harm. Therefore, all Authorized and Affected Employees (including other employees) must be trained.

10:15 am to 11:15 am   |  Part 1: A.L.I.C.E. Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate Training*  |  Chris Moffitt/Bob Thompson  |  Training Specifics

The ALICE program is designed to give mental and physical tools that may play a vital role in survival for those who find themselves in violent or life threatening situations.

10:15 am to 11:15 am   |  Electrical Safety for Non-Electricians*  |  Ranzy Brown  |  OSHA On-Site Consultation

Everyone uses electricity in some form, yet most people do not understand the underlying hazards. We can use electricity safely because basic safety rules and equipment are in place to protect us. This session will help non-electricians understand these basic safety requirements, and how to recognize when they’ve been removed, bypassed, or just wear out.

10:15 am to 11:15 am   |  Trenching & Excavating Hazards*  |  Dennis Hobart  

Excavation Safety and are you prepared? General requirement overview, and competent person responsibilities. Soils classifications, protective system requirements, and common mistakes made.


11:30 am to 12:30 pm  |  Managing Workers’ Compensation In Compliance with HR Laws  |  Elizabeth (“Liz”) Crosby  | Buckley King LPA

Managing workers’ compensation claims is stressful. Coordinating those claims with other state and federal laws affecting worker rights can be frightening! Attendees will learn what laws are important in coordinating responses to troubling claims.

11:30 am to 12:30 pm   |  The Impacts of Ototoxic Chemicals on Hearing*  |  Megan Steele |  DSH at Ohio BWC

Did you know you can lose your hearing without being exposed to noise? Ototoxic chemicals have been shown to cause hearing loss among workers without exposure to noise and to increase hearing loss among workers exposed to noise. In this presentation, we will cover the different types of ototoxic chemicals, how they act on the auditory system, and what changes employers should consider making to their hearing conservation program when ototoxic chemicals are present in the work environment.

11:30 am to 12:30 pm   |  Part 2: A.L.I.C.E. Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate Training |  Chris Moffitt/Bob Thompson  |  Training Specifics

The ALICE program is designed to give mental and physical tools that may play a vital role in survival for those who find themselves in violent or life threatening situations.

11:30 am to 12:30 pm  |  Electrical Hazards in Construction* |  Michael Kovacic  |  ES Squared Inc.

Electrical current keeps construction sites running but can have dangerous consequences for workers on the job. That’s why reducing or eliminating exposure to harmful electrical current is a top priority for employers and employees throughout the construction industry. This session will be better prepare attendees to identify, mitigate, and respond to electrical hazards.


LUNCH BREAK  12:30 pm to 1:30 pm  |  Lunch will be provided this year!


1:30 pm to 2:30 pm  |  What to expect when your INSPECTING: CliffsNotes to Safety Audits*  |  Cari Gray  |  DSH at Ohio BWC

Whether you are just starting safety inspections or have been doing them for years, this session is for you. We will explore the who, what, when, where, why and how of this important safety task. This session will focus on how to find the hazard, assess the severity, find a road to abatement and communication. Together, let’s reveal the good, the bad and the ugly of safety audits in this lighthearted and informative session.

1:30 pm to 2:30 pm   |  Identifying and Controlling Health Hazards at your facility and job site*  |  Sarah Ghezzi  |  DSH at Ohio BWC

Do you know what your employees are inhaling at work? Learn about the common processes that may result in hazardous chemical exposures to your employees. Processes covered will include spray painting, welding, metal fab/cutting, concrete cutting, sandblasting, and more. This session will also cover the basics of controlling these health hazards in the workplace using the hierarchy of controls. Best practices and OSHA requirements will be included in the presentation.

1:30 pm to 2:30 pm  |  Accident Analysis and Prevention Workshop*  |  Ana Cammarata  |  DSH at Ohio BWC

This workshop will focus on techniques for gathering complete, accurate and objective incident data, establishing root causes, reporting findings and determining corrective action. It will include discussion, demonstrations and exercises cover investigation and interview techniques. Participants learn how to uncover the who, what, why, when and how of each incident, and how to analyze data to prevent injuries, property damage and financial losses.

1:30 pm to 2:30 pm   |  OSHA Visits a Construction Site, Understand the Process*  |  Adam Fries |  OSHA – Cleveland Area Office

This session will touch on the following topics:

  • The reasons for an OSHA inspection (complaints, emphasis programs, work place injury/fatality)
  • Opening conference
  • Walk-through inspection (photos, measurements, etc.)
  • Employee/Management interviews
  • Management rights during an OSHA inspection
  • Union Rights during an OSHA inspection
  • Types of documents OSHA requests
  • Closing conference
  • Citations and citations process (informal conferences, contest, abatement)


2:45 pm to 3:45 pm  |  Slips and Trips – the Forgotten Parts of STF* |  Pat McCon |  Zurich Resilience Solutions  

A lot of attention is paid to preventing falls from height. These events are often spectacular and life-changing/life-ending. Less attention is paid to the less-spectacular but much more frequent incidents involving falls on the same level, usually the result of a slip or trip.

If we understand the mechanics behind these events we can take effective action to prevent them. Technology is available to measure the ‘slipperiness’ of a walking/working surface (the ‘coefficient of friction’. And engineering controls are available to make those surfaces safer.

2:45 pm to 3:45 pm  |  OSHA Update – What are the Priorities for 2023 and Beyond?* |  Howie Eberts  |  OSHA – Cleveland Area Office

Come hear it straight from the source! Howie Eberts, OSHA Area Director in Cleveland, will share his wit and wisdom and give us some insight on OSHA’s priorities for 2023 and beyond.

2:45 pm to 3:45 pm  |  How to bring your problem Workers’ Compensation claims to closure – Four case studies   |  Cheryl Altizer  | Promedica Medical Management

Are you struggling bring closure to an active Workers’ Compensation claim that keeps going on and on? Utilizing the expertise of Promedica’s MCO and TPA staff, this session will review 4 case studies. We will provide examples of problem claim closure by use of Vocational Rehabilitation, BWC’s assistance, and on-site and off-site options.

2:45 pm to 3:45 pm  |  State of the Union of Employment Drug Testing  |  Ruth Bowdish  |  On Demand

Our State of the Union of Drug Testing will look at the current outlook of drug/alcohol use on the job, addressing marijuana legalization with your drug free policy, the regulations and increasing importance of maintaining a drug free policy, a look at oral fluid testing and how to foster a recovery friendly environment on the job.


For questions and more info contact:
David Costantino, CPM  |  Loss Prevention Supervisor at Ohio BWC Youngstown Service Office

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